Spring is almost here, and with it comes the warmer weather, sunshine, and the opportunity to shake off the cabin fever that’s been building up all winter long. After a long season spent indoors, it’s time to venture outside again! What will you do? It’s still a little too cold for swimming (unless you’re the daring type), and the best hiking trails can be a bit muddy. But there is still plenty to do! Before too long, many of us will be cheering for the athletes playing outdoor sports.
Our new City Sander has arrived; however, I hope we are done with heavy snowfall for a while. Public works will be out sweeping streets and clearing gravel as soon as the snow melts. Currently, the City is accepting applications for a part-time summer maintenance worker and a part-time summer program director. If you or anyone you know is interested, an application can be filled out on our website or picked up at City Hall. Additionally, our public works staff occasionally needs extra help when cleaning the Filtration plant, usually only for a few hours during a set day, but it gives you a chance to make some quick spending money. If you would like to be considered, please call City hall to have your name added to the list.
Unfortunately, no date has been confirmed yet for the resurfacing of the tennis courts or the addition of pickleball courts. I am aware that there are many residents who are eager to see this project come to fruition, but we are waiting to hear back from the contractor. Fingers crossed; we will have some answers next month.
Big Meadow will undergo some construction this summer as we begin working on the child pedestrian safety route. As previously mentioned, the route will begin at HWY 8 and most likely go all the way up to Michael. The design process is almost complete and we will know more about the process towards the middle of spring. This is a good time to remind everyone to drive slowly and watch for pedestrians on Big Meadow Rd. and all City Streets. Unfortunately, our city lacks sidewalks in many neighborhoods.
I hope you all have a great start to spring! Please remember to take some time to enjoy yourself and the outdoors. Thank you for all you do for our community and for your neighbors. As always, I’m proud to be your Mayor!
Mayor Steve Corr

Troy Community Theatre news
Troy Community Theatre (TCT), under the supervision of the Troy Arts Council (TAC), brings an exciting day of auditions and callbacks for Rodgers & Hammerstein’s Cinderella, a musical based on the classic fairy tale. Join us for auditions from 5:00 - 9:00 pm on Friday, March 17, 2023, at Troy Jr./Sr. High School Music Room. Auditions are open to ALL AGES (10 to adult), and all experience levels. Come make magic in the park this summer by coming to audition with TCT. Visit troycommunitytheatre.com/auditions to learn more!
Rehearsals for Cinderella run from June 12 through July 25 and performances run from July 26 through July 29, 2022. All rehearsals and performances take place in Troy at the THS and at the Troy City Park Gazebo.
Cinderella at TCT will be directed by Kenn Wheeler and choreographed by Denise Wheeler. Kaitlyn Atchison will serve as music director. Join this creative team as we meet a relatable cast that experiences a story of love, adventure, bravery, and comradery. Enjoy favorite songs, comedic scenes, and fun-loving dance numbers. You will love being a part of the cast! Find out more about Troy Community Theatre at troycommunitytheatre.com. TCT performs summer musicals in the Troy City Park Gazebo.
Troy Community Theatre’s mission is to advance the appreciation, awareness, and craft of the performance arts in the community of Troy by offering theatrical opportunities and education to people of all ages. TCT is supported by the City of Troy, The Latah County Arts and Culture Committee, community members and businesses from Troy, Idaho, as well as neighboring communities

FREE evening presentation
MARCH 15th - 6:30 PM | Troy Museum
The Troy Historical Society's Evening presentation on March 15th at 6:30 PM in the Troy Museum will be on the History of the Troy Newspapers from 1892 through 1985. David Purtee will speak on the newspapers and the editors. There will also be a demonstration on accessing these newspapers from the Historical Society's web page: www.TroyIdahoMuseum.comRefreshments to follow.

Riddle: How many gold coins can a leprechaun throw in an empty pot?
Answer: One. After that, it’s no longer empty.

The Troy Lions have a few extra Troy Lions community calendars for sale at the reduced price of $6.00. They can be obtained at city hall or from lions Marie Vogel 208-835-2021 or Marilyn Kerns 208-835-2400.Also, there is an error on the July page. Old Timers Day is on Saturday, July 8th, not on Sunday the 9th. We are sorry for the error.

The Troy Community Library has some fun things planned for this March!The fabulous local artist, Julene Ewert, will be teaching an acrylic/mixed media art class at the library on March 25th at 2pm. The library will provide all the supplies needed for participants. The class is for adults; however, teens may also attend. Participants younger than 12 will not be allowed. This class is for all skill levels. You will get to take home a work of art by you – yay you! Registration for the class is required and will begin on March 6th. The class will be capped at 15 people; registration will be on a first-come, first-served basis. This should be a good one, don’t miss out.
The March STEAM Take-home Activity is binary code initial bracelets. The to-go kits will be available starting March 15th. This activity is geared towards elementary-age kiddos. Supplies are limited, to-go activities are given out on a first-come, first-served basis. Storytime is every Thursday at 10:30 am at the library, except on holidays and when otherwise posted.
If you have questions about anything happening at the library this month, please call Michelle Sturdy at 208-835-4311 or email troy@latahlibrary.org

The Troy Seniors would like to thank the Troy Lutheran Church for the use of their hall for Senior lunches.
