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Troy Talk - March 2022

Troy Elementary would like to thank the community for their food donations received for the 2022 Souper Bowl. Fifth grade students were busy preparing donations that were delivered to the Troy Foodbank and the Senior Center.

When we think about March, there are a few things that come to mind. March usually marks the end of the cold months and the beginning of spring, when the trees begin to bloom again, and we can all go back outside without wearing seven sweaters. If you’re still cooped up inside, we’ve got a few fun facts about March for you.

  • 7th March – Be Heard Day

This is a day that exists to celebrate entrepreneurs and small businesses by helping them be heard in the fast-paced world of modern business.

  • 9th March – Get Over It Day

This day falls between Valentine’s Day and April Fool’s Day, and is all is about letting go of the things you didn’t get.

  • 10th March – Day of Awesome.

A day for being awesome and being awed by the awesome that surrounds us all.

  • 13th March – Open An Umbrella Indoors

Invented in 2003 by Thomas Nibb, this is a day about breaking old superstitions and seeing how nothing bad comes of them. So open your umbrella indoors today – just make sure you don’t break anything!

  • 22nd March – As Young As You Feel Day.

This is a day about proving age is just a number. Celebrate this day by doing something that people your age usually wouldn’t. I’m going to celebrate by running around pretending I’m a fighter jet.

  • 25th March – Waffle Day.

Today is the day to celebrate the arch-nemesis of the pancake, the glorious waffle. Celebrate by making yourself a batch – and if you make too many freeze them and then put them in the toaster another day!


It was in 1918when the US daylight saving time went into effect.
Troy Preschool would like to give a BIG THANK YOU to all who helped make our Mini & Me Dance a big success. Big shout outs to Troy Lions Club, Idaho Ice, Rosauers, Kim Espy, the Preschool Families, Whitney Warner and the rest of our board, and the teachers!


Troy EMS would like to recognize Eric Lockie for his 25 years of EMT service to Troy Ambulance and the Troy community.

Do you have anything to share in the next Troy Talk? Email: or call (208) 835-2741. Submission deadline is the 25th of each month.

"Let thy food be thy medicine,” said Hippocrates (a long, long time ago), but the sentiment still rings true. National Nutrition Month, celebrated in March, stresses the importance of a balanced diet and exercise.



Spring is coming, it would be nice to have more seeds in the Troy Community Library’s seed library/exchange. We are currently low on selection. If you would like to donate seeds, please bring your donations to the library during open hours. The seed exchange is FREE to patrons. The March STEAM Take-away Activity is rubber band helicopters. The activity will be available starting on March 16th.These activities are geared towards elementary-age kiddos. Supplies are limited, to-go activities are given out on a first-come, first-served basis.

If you have questions about anything happening at the library this month, please call Michelle Sturdy at 208-835-4311or email



March 9th & March 23rd

Sit down lunch at the Troy Lutheran Church Community Hall.

The Troy Senior Citizens would like to thank Troy Elementary for sharing food donations from the 2022 Souper Bowl.

Riddle: What can be seen in the middle of March and April that cannot be seen at the beginning or end of either month?

Answer: Answer: The letter 'r'.


NOTICE: If at any time you notice recycling bins full or almost full please let City Hall know by calling 208.835.2741 We truly appreciate it ♥


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